
This website aim to provide all the information you need to get started in Cold War airsoft. The kit guides are written to be accessible to new players whilst also providing a good reference for those with more experience.

We aim to update the site with event reviews, news and articles on a regular basis. If you want to write for the website please get in touch via email to admin@coldwarairsoft.com.


I’ve tried to answer some frequently asked questions below, if you don’t find what you are looking for please let us know via email. You can also sign up to any of the Facebook groups on our links page. The Cold War airsoft community if very friendly and someone will be willing to answer your questions.

What is Airsoft?

Airsoft is a combat simulation game where players use realistic replicas of firearms to battle over various objectives. The weapons shoot 6mm BBs at strictly limited velocities to avoid injury, though eye protection is required to be worn at all times. Unlike paintballs, the BBs used in airsoft do not mark the target, it is entirely up to the players to show that they have been hit. If you would like to know more about airsoft take a look at its wikipedia entry.

….Or get in touch with your local site and try a game. Airsoft is a fantastic hobby in of itself.

Why Cold War? Nothing actually happened right?

Its true that if the Cold War never actually became World War III but it is the ‘what if’ scenario that we play out. Most players have a interest in the history or equipment/uniforms of the time period. Others just like the idea of taking part in a more realistic squad-based game.

We also have the advantage that the original equipment is in most cases reasonably easy to source and nowhere near as expensive as earlier historical themes like Vietnam or WWII.

Do I have to have played airsoft before I attend a Cold War game?

No, its not essential that you have played airsoft before attending a cold war event. Cold war games are a very different experience to a regular airsoft skirmish so prior experience isn’t required. That said, it is always worth letting the organiser know before hand that you are new to the hobby. They will make sure there are experienced players around to help you get to grips with the game rules and play style.

How do I get started?

Just decide which side appeals to you and sign up. At Gunman games uniform hire is free so there’s no need to invest in kit until you want to. You can also hire a weapon if you dont have anything suitable.

How close is this to reenactment?

Cold War airsoft is a themed airsoft game, not a reenactment. We maintain minimum kit standards to maintain the look and feel of the game, but these are designed to be as inclusive as possible. Nobody will give you a hard time for not wearing your webbing correctly or having the wrong type of hat, that’s not what its about.

That said there are also players that maintain an incredibly high standard of kit, of those some also attend reenactment events. If you want to work towards a highly accurate impression you will find other players to share their knowledge and support that goal. If you don’t, nobody is going to give you a hard time about it.

Can I wear my ‘insert rare or unusual uniform or impression’?

Most long-term collectors will have some strange or unusual uniform lying around that they really want to wear to an event at some point. What is and isn’t acceptable is totally up to the event organiser. Maybe they do have use for your prized 1973 MiG pilot impression…but probably not, best to ask fist.

For those wanting to show off their collection most events will have a social in the evenings where you can wear whatever you want (and are actively encouraged too).

Can I come as an officer/NCO?

Generally officers/NCOs will be designated by the game organisers to fulfill a specific in-game role. It needs to be clear to players who these people are and so NCO/officer insignia and uniform is usually limited to those players only.

If you would like to take one of these roles its best to contact the organisers directly and see what is available, they are generally always happy for people to volunteer.

As mentioned previously you can wear whatever you like to the social, its a great time to show off your collection.