This guide is meant to serve as a starting point for any players wishing to undertake playing as the US faction at Gunman Airsoft/EYE LARP’s Red Mist series of games. The items in this guide have been chosen to allow best fit for uniformity, quality, authenticity, game balance, safety and comfort. For the purposes of the kit guide, this will be centered around a generic US Army infantryman impression, that can be easily adapted and suited to any environment or individual unit with minor tweaks.
Items are categorised from basic combat load to marching/existence load, along with optional but highly recommended equipment for field camping, cold/wet weather, and to improve the user’s combat performance. Items are categorised in order of preference, from the top (“best”: highest quality, most authentic, most uniform), to the lowest (“acceptable”: given budget and availability of certain items).
Items with an asterisk (*) are considered the most preferred among any available options within each tier list. Photos are provided in order to let prospective players more easily identify the pieces of equipment to look for.
Headwear in this category is meant to accompany the uniform, both for practicality, as well as to offer lightweight fighting gear.
*US Woodland cold weather or hot weather Patrol cap
*Repro patrol cap, US woodland boonie
Note: The correct patrol cap should be an Army style (round) patrol cap, NOT the 8-pointed USMC-style Utility Cover.

Combat Uniform
The standard combat uniform is the venerable Battle Dress Uniform (BDU). This is available in both a 50/50 Nylon/Cotton twill or a lighter, quick-drying, hot weather ripstop variant; either is acceptable. Uniform will ideally be badged in US Army style, but is not required.
*Authentic US Government-issue (USGI) Woodland BDUs
Reproduction BDUs (*Helikon, Propper, *Tru Spec, MFH, Teesar, MilTec, etc)
*ERDL fatigues, Foreign issue Woodland BDUs (Modern Russian, *Dutch, etc), ACU-cut Woodland uniform Notes: No desert, ACU/UCP, Multicam/MTP, or Marpat uniforms are acceptable. The uniform will be ideally worn with a light brown undershirt. Never, ever,do up the top button on your BDU, unless you are an extra from a low-budget action show or an Eastern European conscript. If your neck is cold, wear a scarf.

Load-Bearing equipment
Load bearing equipment encompasses any means of carrying a fighting and existence load.
Your webbing is your lifeline, and will carry your fighting load along with any other supplementary equipment. Ensure your belt fits properly resting on your hips, allowing some slack for additional clothing layers. Your belt and harness should be as low as possible so you can comfortably wear a rucksack. Don’t be too tempted to load up on pouches; make sure your front is clear so you can lie prone and still access your ammunition pouches from the side.
*Full set of ALICE webbing, consisting of the following:
– ALICE Y-Harness, M67 H-harness, M56 H-Harness (Any preferred)
– 2x Universal ammunition pouches (Four recommended)
– 2x canteen pouches, each with 1-quart waterbottle
– M56, M61, M67, or ALICE Three-day Training buttpacks (Any preferred)
– Duckbill (LC2), ball-and-clasp (LC1) pistol belt (Any preferred)
*USGI US Woodland Load Bearing Vest (LBV) with LC2 or IIFS pistol belt and IIFS Buttpack
*Foreign-issue ALICE-compatible webbing (Austrian or
*Belgian H-Harnesses, Italian or Yugoslavian Y-harnesses)
*Fastex buckle (IIFS) Pistol belt Reproduction ALICE webbing/pouches
Olive drab belt kit, non-MOLLE belt kit Note: Avoid camouflaged pouches (with the exception of the IIFS buttpack), especially if you are piecing webbing together from foreign or reproduction copies. All original GI webbing is in OD nylon or canvas only.
It is recommended you pass over the Enhanced Load Bearing Vest (ELBV) over the (older) Load Bearing Vest: the ELBV is easily distinguished by its mesh main panels and slanted ammunition pouches. The mesh is prone to tearing and the slanted pouches make reloads difficult.

Recommended boots for extended wear in the field.
*USGI DMS boots
*USGI Intermediate Cold Wet boots Matterhorn boots German para boots British Assault boots. Any quality, military issue full leather black boots will fill this role.
“Modern” Black leather and nylon boots (Magnum, etc)
USGI Jungle boots
Note: Desert, suede, or MoD brown boots are not acceptable. Jungle boots are authentic and period accurate, but will be of little use in cold/wet weather, as England tends to be. Consider your options carefully, or invest in waterproof socks (see further down in guide).

Body Armour
Body armour systems are optional for wear at Red Mist, but do work within the game mechanics, allowing the wearer to take an extra hit per piece of armour worn.
*GI PASGT Helmet, M1 helmet
*GI PASGT vest, M69 flak vest
Repro PASGT helmet, foreign made flak vests (British or *Israeli M69), *foreign PASGT copies (Italian, German, etc)
Note: All helmets will always be worn with a US woodland helmet cover correctly fitted. M1 helmets may have an ERDL or Mitchell cover. No MICHs, ACHs, Protech, FAST, Airframe or similar type helmets. Likewise, no foreign made helmets are acceptable unless direct copies of PASGT or M1 helmets. PASGT helmets may have internally upgraded suspension and chinstraps, such as a three or four-point chinstrap and cushion pads like on the MICH/ACH and LWH.

A trusty rifle can make all the difference in the world when Ivan turns his ugly head. The M16 saw the US through Vietnam and is still in service today.
*M16A2 M16A3/A4 with carry handle attached
Rail-less carbines with fixed carry handles (M4A1, *XM177, *M653, M723, M727, etc)
M14, *M3 Grease gun, MAC10/11, M635 9mm SMG, other NATO issue weaponry (MP5, etc)
Note: Weapons should be unpainted, and with normal furniture. Avoid Pmags, and other non-GI-type accessories, especially anything tan coloured if at all possible. Ensure your weapon has a suitable sling installed. Good examples are the USGI nylon black silent sling and the OD nylon or canvas Garand sling. Avoid modern slings (Vtac, etc) or three-point slings if at all possible.

Specialist weapons systems
As a US infantryman, you may very well undertake specialist roles requiring specific weapons systems. This guide will serve as a primer for specialist role weapons
M203 Grenade launcher
Will be carried underslung to an M16A1 or M16A2, with the matching heatshield. Rail-mounted or standalone variants are not acceptable. The M203 should ideally be mounted to a full-length rifle, rather than a carbine.
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon
Mk1 fixed skeleton stock variant only; no para, Mk2, Mk48, or railed variants
M60 Machinegun
VN (original variant)
M9 Pistol (Beretta M92FS)
Non-railed military model, black finish
M1911A1 Pistol
Non-railed GI model, grey finish
M21 Sniper Weapon System
Wood finish M14, with telescopic sight
M24 Sniper weapon system
With appropriately configured polymer adjustable stock and telescopic sight
M60E3/E4 (Foregrip) variants
M9A1 (Railed)
1911 MEU, 1911 Series 70
Note: Any plain, black or grey medium-frame sidearm will fit the bill if you must bring one. Ensure you have a properly fitting holster, ideally a USGI M12 or black leather M1916 holster. The M79 grenade launcher is generally not acceptable. Grenadiers will wish to carry their grenade munitions in the M79 grenadier vest or the later issue grenadier LBV.